Supporter's have become fed up with the spin coming from the Chairman about the finances and future of the club and tomorrow's march is to show the board that fans are not happy. They will being throwing away copy £10 notes with Peter Ridsdale's face on them.
The march's organiser, Annis Abraham, said supporters were determined to voice their discontent at the current regime.
"This will be a march to show our passion for the club. We will be here way beyond the tenure of the present chairman Peter Ridsdale," Abraham told the Echo.
"People went to a recent shareholders meeting and asked simple questions to which Ridsdale would only reply 'too sensitive to answer'.
"However, the golden ticket scheme was the last straw for the supporters.
"We have been in contact with South Wales Police about the march and they have been superb.
"We will walk up to the main reception to make our point. After 10 minutes, I will then ask the supporters to enter the ground and support our team on the pitch.
"We want our club to do well, of course we do. But don't pull the wool over our eyes is what we are saying.
"We have a right to voice our concerns about how the club is being run."
Fans are asked to meet in the empty car park behind the Admiral Napier pub in Canton at 1.30pm. The march will set off no later than 2.00pm and will proceed to the front of the Cardiff City Stadium via Leckwith Rd, Sloper Rd and into the new stadium grounds opposite Ninian Park.
There has been plenty of coverage about the march during the week, messageboards have been buzzing with opinion, some disagree with it, many others are right behind the idea of this type of protest. There was even a full page advert in the South Wales Echo this week.
The club have dismissed the march as a waste of time and potentially damaging to securing future investment. Of course they would say that, it's embarrassing for them to be exposed like this, there will be plenty of media coverage from the local and national press to hear the voices of discontent from the supporters of Cardiff City FC.
When the protest disperses and fans enter the stadium there will be total support again for the team. This protest is nothing to do with the players. We are behind them 100% and nothing would please us more than three points against Middlesbrough.