We are delighted that Robin Osterley, chief executive of Supporters Direct, will be attending the annual meeting of the Trust at the Llandaff Institute on Thursday, May 21. An article he wrote for the Daily Telegraph’s Total Football supplement on supporter involvement is reproduced on the Trust website www.ccfctrust.org
We would be delighted to see members at the AGM (7pm 4 7.30pm). More details later.
Steve Borley, Cardiff City board member
Some of you may have seen some criticism by Steve Borley of the Trust aims for a supporter director and our questions about a vision for the football club.
As a result we have invited Steve to the Trust's next board meeting at the beginning of May. Steve, who has accepted our invitation, will be talking to us as an individual rather than a representative of the club's board.
We look forward to an open and frank discussion with Steve because we all have the best interests of Cardiff City at heart.