Manager recation to Cardiff win over Bristol

Last updated : 29 October 2023 By Michael Morris

Let's start with moody Nigel Pearson.

"I don't think there was much in the game to be honest," he said. "We conceded two goals from our own possession. Unfortunately we didn't create enough.


"It was two sides who weren't really playing with a great deal of creativity.

"Cardiff might be doing okay, but I wouldn't put them up there with the best sides. At all. I wouldn't say that at all. In our recent games we've played against Leeds, Ipswich who are going well, Leicester. They're all games we've lost by the odd goal."

Pearson felt his side were their own worst enemy at times during a Severnside derby admittedly low on quality at both ends for much of the afternoon.

"It's a competitive league," he added. "What it shows you is that if you don't make enough good decisions on the pitch, then sides will turn you over. It's a very tough league to be successful in. When you've got a very young inexperienced team and bench then it's going to be difficult.

"But it was a game that was there to be won. Unfortunately we didn't win it. They won it with a set-play where we've given away possession in our own half, which is the result of them getting the corner. They've scored lots of goals from corners. It's a poor goal to give away.

"The second one again, we've got decent possession and we get caught in possession. Regardless of whether it's a good finish or not. It's irrelevant to me in terms of where it's come from.

"Actually they've not really created anything during the game, I don't think. Most of their stuff has come from us turning the ball over. It's how you want to look at it."

When it was pointed to him that Cardiff are now fifth, Pearson doubled down, adding: "Good for them. It doesn't make a difference in my opinion on whether they've got quality or not. You've asked me a question and I've told you what I think about it.

"There's nobody in this room that looks at that game, 'yeah Cardiff are a really good side compared to Bristol City'. I don't think. If you say that, then I'm not sure you're looking at the right game because I don't think it was a game with a lot of quality.

"It was a game where a team were in a good a scene and they capitalised on our mistakes. They didn't outplay us."

In response, Bluebirds boss Erol Bulut was somewhat more diplomatic, choosing instead to focus on the hard work that still lies ahead for his team.

“This is his opinion," he said. "Football we play on the field and who gives a better performance, scores and doesn’t concede goals is going to win the game, and right now we are doing this really well. 

“Of course we cannot say we have the best team in the league but our players are giving everything, every game to be in this position. We will continue to work like that.

“It was not an easy game. After the last game where we won 4-0 against Huddersfield, I said to my team we cannot celebrate, we have to continue to work.

“Today again, hard and good work and a good result for my team. I am glad to see this performance from the players today.

"I was clear what I wanted from those two players [Robinson and Colwill]. Offensively they are good. We saw again from Colwill a great goal, last game Robinson scored and also worked a lot here. Defensively they are doing much better than before. I am expecting this because we are 11 on the field and I need 11 players, not 10. They understand what I want. I am honest with my players. I don't tell them anything else. I tell them exactly what I want. The good thing is that they try to give me back what I went from them. This makes me happy."