Manager comments post Preston

Last updated : 13 February 2024 By Michael Morris

Cardiff's Erol Bulut:

"We need patience, all of us. We've got new players, four or five new players.

"We try to get them adapted to the team quickly. I thought Nat was quite good, Wilson came in, but they have to know their team-mates much better and their movements.

"This will come over the next few games. We have many games in the next few weeks and we have to show it.

"We have to continue to show them what they need to do. I hope the next few games will be much better."

Preston's Ryan Lowe:

"We've all been waiting for Emil to come back. He looked strong physically, I'm pleased with his goal, for him and his team-mates, they're all pleased for him.


"The build-up to it was fantastic and the way he took it, so I'm really pleased for him. It's huge to have him back.

"At some point he's going to have to have a break. We're just trying to mould him into a perfect striker. But we do need to be careful with him.

"We can't just slog him all the way through, we'll manage his days and his loads.

"I'm just pleased for him getting on the scoresheet today after having that long period of time out, as a striker it's pleasing."