First half came and went and then I was getting into my car when i refreshed the MB and Jay had scored.
I then put on Talksport on the radio and hoped for another goal or even no update and a 1 - 0 win.
Driving along the A13 in Essex and there was a goal flash from Ninian Park.
I was spitting and kicking as they reported Burnley's equaliser but as the bloke described it (i won't repeat what i called Darren Purse) the background noise increased and Ross scored live during the bulletin.
My car was swerving from side to side as i went ballistic.
Talksport then prodeeded to focus virtually exclusively on Wolves game so I took the silence as good news.
A refresh by my lad on the mobile announced the 3 - 1 and my screaming lke a bandshie (spelling).
Baslidon didn't know what was going on as we pulled up at the cinema.
I managed to get through "Monsters v Aliens" (non 3D) while dreaming of much bigger things.
I assume it must be like this for other people when they can't get to the games? The tension is unbearable until you know you've won and then you just glow.