The prolific Bluebirds striker chose the Echo to reveal:
He expects to be a Cardiff City player next season.
He knows nothing of a "done-deal" involving any Premiership club.
He rubbishes accusations that he is going through the motions in a City shirt.
He believes he has just had his best ever season in football.
The training ground wind-ups about a big money move never go away.
Full story.
That's been the verdict on Rob Earnshaw from a sizeable section of the Ninian Park faithful for more than two months now.
The prolific Welsh international striker has kept his head down amid the barbs and just tried to get on with doing what he does best.
But today Earnshaw moved to set the record straight with a double-barreled riposte to his detractors: "I expect to be at Cardiff City next season - and nobody is trying harder than me."
And Earnshaw dismissed accusations the pressure of incessant transfer talk involving clubs like Charlton, Fulham, Celtic and Birmingham has finally got to him.
"I can deal with the pressure," said Earnshaw, choosing the Echo to lay bare his inner-thoughts.
"Because every time I pick up the papers, the clubs that I'm suppose to be going to change on a daily basis.
"As far as I'm concerned it's quite laughable - it's water off a duck's back. As far as I know there is no truth in any of the clubs being interested.
Full story.