Statue Fund project manager David Craig has asked for City fans to volunteer to hold a bucket from 11am until 10 minutes before kick-off at the game on Sunday, August 8th. If you can help, please contact David Craig on d.craig43@ntlworld.com (Tel 029 2063 6637).
David Craig said: "The club is really helping fundraising. We had been planning a bucket collection before Christmas but when the club offered us the opportunity of a collection at the Sheffield United we accepted with grateful thanks.
"As the game is season's opener, there is likely to be a very good crowd so we would appreciate volunteers willing to hold a bucket.
"Fans were very generous when we held our last collection and we hope they will again dig deep in their pockets.
"The fundraising appeal has got off to a good start but we need to maintain the momentum so we can honour Fred and the 1927 FA Cup Final winning team."
Donations to the appeal fund can be made through the Co-operative Bank:
Account name: - Fred Keenor Statue Fund or FKSF
Account no 65392368
Sort Code 08-92-99
Cheques can also be sent c/o CCST to PO Box 4254, Cardiff, CF14 8FD. Please add the words "Fred Keenor Appeal" on the top of the envelope.