They came from far and near; some travelled from as far away as Adelaide, others were backpacking in Australia and made sure they were in Sydney to be present on this special day.
As the organiser, Capn Rich only knew one person before-hand, Steve Hewitson, although he had spoken on the phone to Jim Welsh. He turned up, video and projector in his hand, half expecting I'd be drinking on his own. We didn't realise it then, (Rich thought it would just be a 1-off piss-up) but that was how Bluebirds DownUnder got started.
Take a look at the gallery on their website. There's a picture of that first night. See if you can spot Martyn Wood, Steve (Buttocks) Hewitson, Jim Welsh, Mike Daughton, Richard Woodward, Dave Povall, Kevin Rue. Rich was behind the camera (as usual) and the Mather brothers were at the bar, (as usual)
As for the other faces, well, Capn Rich remembers a few of the names, and a lot of them are away back in Wales, but if you are in the picture and you are still a member of BDU, please let Capn Rich know.
So, that's how it all started, and thanks to the dedication of the OG members (in Australia and in Wales) and the great enthusiasm of BDU members the club is now moving into it's third year with confidence. They have our very successful football team, a great network of members around Australia, a good profile at CCFC and some great allies at Valley Rams, 1927 club and CCSC, plus of course Mike Morris.
Bluebirds DownUnder has got bigger than anyone would have expected on that December evening in Sydney in 2002. Wherever this club goes in the future, they will always remember what it was all about in 2002
The last few months have been extraordinarily active for BDU. We've had two soccer matches (Cardiff NSW & Glasgow Rangers supporters) and won both, we have had great BDU gatherings in Sydney Melbourne and Brisbane and a Merthyr evening with a bunch of Martyrs turning up from Wales on holiday. We have been joint organisers of the UK British Trivia Night which was a huge success down at The Kauri, and lets not forget the Wales v England evening at the Nags Head, with over 200 Welsh and others turning up to watch the BDU organised live screening.
What's coming up?
Melbourne Friday December 17 2004. Bluebirds Jones is organising a Xmas Gathering at the Stamford Hotel Rowville, from 5pm. (Map on BDU website under Where we Meet.) All you Melbourne BDU members are encouraged to get along. The Captain will be in attendance so if you want a BDU shirt brought down just let me know before hand.
Melbourne Friday December 17 2004. Bluebirds Jones is organising a Xmas Gathering at the Stamford Hotel Rowville, from 5pm. (Map on BDU website under Where we Meet.) All you Melbourne BDU members are encouraged to get along. The Captain will be in attendance so if you want a BDU shirt brought down just let me know before hand.
Palm Beach Sydney Sunday 9 January 2005. BDU Peach party and picnic. From midday. Great event for all the family and friends, and a top location to show off to visitors from overseas. It's where they film Home And Away. More details in the New Year. Please contact Capn Rich on if your planning on attending.
Sydney Thursday 13 January 2005. Organising Group Meeting 6pm at The Kauri, All OG members are asked to attend to make plans for the coming year. This is an important meeting so please diarise it.
Sydney Thursday 13 January 2005. 7pm we will have a social evening at The Kauri with a screening of highlights and goals from all the latest City games shown on the Kauri's brand new 61cm plasma screen. All members and guests are welcome.
Wollongong Weekend of 22/23 January 2005 BDU versus an Adrian Alston Invitation X!. Players and supporters please put this in your diary now. Barry Jones is planning a great weekend of entertainment and alcohol and if its half as good as the brilliant weekend we had in Penrith in November this is definitely worth getting along too. More information including accommodation details will be sent to you in the New Year. We will be playing on the Saturday afternoon and watching a Wolves game on the Sunday. Plenty of other activities in between.
So, please put these in your diary NOW and do your best to get along to at least a few. These will all be great events, but only if you are there.