Bid accepted for Motherwell full back?

Last updated : 29 June 2009 By Michael Morris
Quinn has made over 160 appearances for Motherwell and seems to be heading South rather than staying in Scotland with Hearts.

The Edinburgh club's offer was significantly less than Cardiff's.

Quinn made the headlines a year ago with three off the field incidents. He was taken to hospital with a broken jaw last April after an attack outside a nightclub.

The following month he was convicted himself of assault after an incident that took place in 2007.

Then in June 2008 Quinn and his girlfriend were robbed at gunpoint when on holiday in Florida.

It's been suggested that if Quinn comes he'll play at his preferred right back position with Kevin McNaughton moving to left back.

We'll have to wait and see if the speculation comes to anything.

Another player mentioned in the press today is Charlton's Mark Hudson. The centre half is being linked as a replacement for Roger Johnson. Also in the same article in the Daily Mirror Millwall's David Martin, a winger, is mentioned. Both players could cost the club around £700,000.