An appeal on behalf of Matthew Owens

Last updated : 29 January 2006 By Michael Morris
The charity takes its name form Joshua Cornelius who lived in Caerphilly, South Wales. He was diagnosed with Desomplastic Round Cell Tumour of the abdomen, a terminal cancer, in December 1996. He underwent two years of aggressive and painful Chemotherapy before sadly dying on 4th December 998.

The end of his life wasn't completely bad; to make his very short life a happy one, Joshua and his family travelled the world, visiting California, New York, Florida, Lapland and 4 trips to Euro Disney. In those two years Joshua Cornelius lived life to the full. An experience, which the Joshua Foundation hopes to re-create. In September 1998, Joshua's mum, Sarah Cornelius Welsh Women of the Year, 2003) set up The Joshua Foundation to make hildren, who were suffering from terminal cancer, experience life to the full. Just as Josh did.

Every year students from across South Wales go on the "Oz Experience". The students travel to Australia, and do conservation work, sightseeing, and they visit children in hospital to help improve the quality of their final few years. Overall the trip costs around £2,500. Half of the goes directly to the Joshua Foundation, and the other half is used to cover the cost of the trip to Australia.

To raise this money I have organised a 'Battle of the Bands', sold raffle tickets, had a guess the name of a bear competition. I am now selling a signed Cardiff City Football on eBay to raise more money to help me raise enough money for the trip in July. The ball has been generously donated by Cardiff City and has been signed by the 2005 squad. Mike Morris has been kind enough to allow me to post this article on his very successful site and I hope that after reading this you will make a generous bid for this wonderful piece of sporting memorabilia. The starting bid is only £20 and as I have explained all this money will go to helping children live a short but happy life so please be generous!!!

The auction can be found be clicking HERE

I still have a lot of money left to raise, so please bid generously.

If you would like to make a donation to the trip please email

For more information on the Joshua Foundation please visit

Thank you for reading this message,

Matthew Owens, Aged 16.
Radyr Comprehensive School